UBPN Registries

About our Registry

The UBPN Registries are designed to assist brachial plexus injured individuals and professionals to find each other. It will be of great benefit for support groups to bring together people in their geographic area. It will also help individuals with easy access to contact information.

All information entered will be used by UBPN for various purposes including compiling the demographic statistics that are needed to pursue grant funding. You can choose whether you would like your information to be available on our website for the public to see. During registration you will be asked to fill in a username and password. This username and password will allow you to return later to update your information or change whatever information you.d like the public to see from our website.

Individual Registry

This registry is for individuals, whether they are those with a brachial plexus injury or a family member or friend of someone with an injury.

Support Group Registry

This registry is for support groups to enter their contact information so that people in their geographic area can find local support.

Professional Registry

This registry is for medical and legal professionals who serve those with brachial plexus injuries.

UBPN reserves the right to delete information found to be inaccurate or fictitious.

UBPN, Inc. is grateful to Carl A. McMahan of Los Angeles, California for his generous donation which has allowed UBPN, Inc. to update its technology equipment.

Carl has successfully represented children with brachial plexus injuries and is committed to supporting the brachial plexus injury community at large. He welcomes any questions or injuries regarding brachial plexus injuries and legal rights.

You may contact him at:
Email: camcmahan@earthlink.net